On June 2007, Sacramento California nonfarm payrolls peaked at 927,000.  Then the rescission erased about 100,000 jobs.  Many years later on July 2015, Sacramento region has regained 911,500 jobs.  Leisure and hospitality lead the job growth with a 7% growth from last year.  Although real estate and construction jobs increased 3.4% from last year, it is 27% below the pre-rescission level. (Source: Sacramento Bee)

As more people are obtaining employment, creditors are becoming more aggressive in filing lawsuit to collect on unpaid debt.  The worst thing that you can do is ignore a lawsuit.  Once your creditor obtains a judgment or a default judgment due to your failure to file a timely response, your creditor can obtain an order for wage garnishment or bank account levy or place a lien on your home (aka judgment lien, judicial lien).

If you cannot afford to pay off the debt or negotiate an affordable payment plan with your creditor, you should consider Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy filing.  Bankruptcy can stop wage garnishment, except for priority debt such as child support and alimony.  Bankruptcy can eliminate or reduce your debts, such as credit cards, medical bills, repossession, foreclosure, personal loans, payday loans, and tax liabilities.  Schedule an appointment with Muoi Chea Bankruptcy Attorney with offices in Sacramento, Stockton, and Fairfield, California to discuss your options under the Bankruptcy law and how it can help you eliminate your debts.